We all remember those tasty indulgencies from the most beautiful feasts of the year – sausages, smoked pork, mayonnaise salads, tons of cakes and candy, and a lot more. When it´s all gone though and the reality bumps in, we need to reconsider our next food choices. You don´t (and shouldn´t) get all stressed out and start some freaky fad diet like only drinking cayenne pepper and maple-syrup water. There are many tips and tricks to refresh your body without any physical or emotional harm.

Watch outside your window and see the greens all around. You can get inspired by that and include more vegetables into your diet. It´s vegetables containing chlorophyll – an antioxidant, which will help our immune system sustain its function. The season of lettuce, green beans, asparagus, broccoli, and peas is coming; you just need to choose from this beautiful vividly-colored spectrum of tastes and health. You can find refreshment in lots of seasonal fruits, especially citruses; however, it is good to combine them with our locally-grown apples, pears, and strawberries. Put these fruits into your green or rosehip tea and provide your body with the so-needed vitamins and minerals after a rough winter.

Whether you like detox in a sense of drinking vegetable juices or you just add some more veggies into your daily menu, always be aware of the severity of your experiment. Don´t overestimate your body´s ability to function on water and one carrot a day – vegetable juice detox is recommended for a maximum of 3 days. If you decide to go for something so extreme, be sure to drink enough fluids. Your body will thank you for it by providing energy and a great feeling about your progress. Now, last but not least – weight loss.

OUR TIP: Replace one post-holiday meal for an avocado-spinach smoothie or a fruit salad


by Katarína Vicová